
Facts About ADHD Everyone Should Know


What is ADHD

Many people are unfamiliar with ADHD. When they see a person that is hyper or constantly moving around, they may believe this to be an indication of laziness and disrespect. In reality, these people may have ADHD and not even know it.

What Is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes significant impairment in at least two areas of a person’s life, such as work or school, home life, and social relationships. A person with ADHD may have difficulty paying attention and concentrating and experience restlessness and impulsivity. These symptoms begin early in life and continue into adulthood for some people.

ADHD Signs And Symptoms

All children struggle at times to pay attention and follow directions. However, children with ADHD do not simply outgrow the behaviors associated with the disorder. Symptoms continue past childhood and can be severe enough to cause difficulty at school, home, or with friends.

A kid with ADHD might exhibit the following:

  • Squirm or fidget
  • Frequently forget or lose things
  • Spend a lot of time daydreaming
  • Talking Too Much
  • Taking unnecessary risks or making careless mistakes
  • Having trouble taking turns
  • Have a hard time resisting temptation
  • Having trouble getting along with others

Types Of ADHD

ADHD can present itself in three different ways, depending on which symptoms are strongest in the individual.

  1. Predominantly Inattentive: The child with this type of ADHD has trouble paying attention and is easily distracted. They are often forgetful, disorganized, and procrastinate. These children may also have difficulty completing tasks or finishing homework on time.
  2. Predominantly Hyperactive-impulsive Type: The child with this type of ADHD has trouble sitting still and often fidgets and taps their feet. They get up from their seat when they shouldn’t and are constantly on the move. These children may also interrupt others or talk excessively.
  3. Combined Hyperactive-impulsive And Inattentive Type: This type of ADHD is the most common. A child with this type displays symptoms of both hyperactivity and inattention. They are often fidgety, talk excessively, interrupt others, and have trouble paying attention or completing tasks on time.

What Causes ADHD?

Causes of ADHD

Scientists and Researchers are studying the possible causes of ADHD in an effort to find ways to manage and reduce the chances of an individual having ADHD. It’s unclear exactly what contributes to ADHD, but there are several factors that may play a role in developing it. Genetics is one of the suspected causes. Specific genes have been linked with the development of the disorder. If your child has ADHD, his siblings or parents are more likely to have problems with attention and impulse control as well.

In addition to genetics, scientists and doctors are studying other possible risk factors and causes, including: 

  • Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy
  • Brain injury
  • Premature delivery
  • Exposure to environmental risks like lead during pregnancy or at a young age

The following factors are NOT known causes but can make Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms worse for some kids:

  • Eating too much sugar
  • Watching too much television
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Family stress (poverty, family conflict)

ADHD Diagnosis

Deciding if your little one has ADHD is a process that has several steps. There is no test that can accurately diagnose ADHD, so it is important to discuss your child’s symptoms and behaviors with your doctor. If you suspect your little one has ADHD, make an immediate appointment with a doctor. They will perform a checkup, like a vision and hearing check, to ensure something else is not causing the symptoms.

To diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, doctors begin by asking about a kid’s behavior, health, and activity. They talk with parents and children about the things they have noticed. The doctor may ask you to complete checklists about your kid’s behavior and might ask you to give your kid’s teacher a checklist too.

After gathering the information, the doctor diagnoses ADHD if it’s clear that:

  • A kid’s trouble paying attention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity goes beyond what is expected for their age.
  • The child has been exhibiting these behaviors since he was a young child.
  • The behaviors affect the kid at home and school.
  • A health checkpoint out that another health or learning issue is not causing the problems.

Lots of children with ADHD also have learning issues, oppositional and defiant behaviors, and anxiety problems. Doctors or counselors usually treat these along with ADHD. The doctor can refer you to a child psychiatrist or psychologist if needed.

ADHD Treatments

ADHD Treatments

While ADHD cannot be easily “caught,” it is possible to treat it. If your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, early and effective treatment helps to ensure that he doesn’t continue to struggle and fall behind in school. Treatment for ADHD usually includes behavioral therapy, medication, or both.

  1. Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral therapy is one of the main treatments for a kid with ADHD. This kind of therapy teaches kids how to control their behavior and deal with their symptoms. 
  2. Stimulant Medication: It can be helpful for children with ADHD. ADHD medications affect brain chemicals in a way that enables a person to control his impulses and actions better.
  3. Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy helps kids understand their condition, determine what is causing their symptoms, and work to manage the symptoms. It’s an important part of the treatment process for many young children who have problems paying attention or following directions.
  4. Parent Coaching: Parent Coaching can help parents learn how to communicate effectively with their kids. It’s a specialized type of counseling that can provide support for parents who have a child with ADHD.

Natural Remedies For ADHD

Being healthy is essential for all kids and can be more important for kids with ADHD. In addition to medication and behavioral therapy, having a healthy lifestyle can make it easier for a kid to deal with ADHD symptoms. Here are some healthy behaviors that could potentially help:

1. Developing Healthy Eating Habits

The brain needs energy and lots of nutrients to work properly, and eating good foods helps it work at a higher level. Here are some healthy eating habits for kids with ADHD:

  • Avoiding sugar, which makes some kids hyperactive, and limiting caffeine.
  • Eating breakfast every day to encourage concentration and focus
  • Including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in their diet to promote brain health.

2. Participating In Physical Activity

When your child exercises, his brain releases neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which helps with attention and clear thinking. Individuals diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tend to have lower levels of dopamine in their brains. So, the more physical activity a child does, the greater the neurotransmitter release and the benefits in terms of attention and concentration. 

Some activities that can be beneficial include: 

  • Running or walking outside in your neighborhood 
  • Taking a swim at the local pool 
  • Riding bikes with friends 

3. Limiting The Amount Of Time Spent On Screens

Children with ADHD tend to be more affected when they spend a long time on the computer, playing video games, or other kinds of screens. In fact, the more time spent in front of a screen, the greater the likelihood of getting distracted and losing focus on homework or other tasks. For example, kids may become so interested in watching an entertaining video that they forget what they were supposed to do.

4. Getting An Adequate Amount Of Sleep

Getting an amount adequate sleep

Having an adequate sleep is necessary for brain health and functioning. A child with ADHD often has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, but getting enough sleep helps calm the mind, reduces stress, and increases attention. So make sure your little one gets the recommended amount of sleep each night based on age.

ADHD in Adults

More than sixty percent of kids diagnosed with ADHD still exhibit symptoms as adults. For lots of people, hyperactivity symptoms often reduce with age, but impulsivity and inattentiveness may continue.

That said, treatment is vital. Untreated ADHD in many adults can have a negative impact on many aspects of their lives. Symptoms like forgetfulness, trouble managing time, and impatience can cause problems at home, work, and in all kinds of relationships.


ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders among children. ADHD affects people differently and has many symptoms. But the most important thing is getting help right away because it can negatively impact your child’s life. If you suspect your child may have ADHD, contact your doctor or visit a local clinic to confirm the diagnosis and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Hanei Health Solutions is a leading mental health care provider that offers a wide range of services for patients with ADHD. We are committed to providing affordable, quality care, including medication management and therapy sessions. If you are looking for a mental health center that can help treat ADHD, Hanei Health Solutions is a wise choice for you. Contact us today!


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