Experiencing anxiety is a normal part of being a human. Still, feeling anxious all the time can become an anxiety disorder. There are numerous types of anxiety disorders, and they all have different symptoms and treatments.
At Hanei Health Solutions in Gaithersburg, we take a holistic approach to these disorders, addressing their physical as well as psychological aspects of them. We will discuss the different types of anxiety disorders, their causes and symptoms, and the treatment options available to you or those you care about today.
There are all sorts of factors that can trigger someone living with an anxiety disorder from one day to the next; this unpredictability can make it hard for people with these disorders to know how they’ll react in given situations on any given day.
What Is Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety disorder is a mental health situation that causes ongoing physical or psychological suffering. According to research, it is the most common mental health difficulty in adults, affecting millions of adults in the United States alone.
These disorders can range from a mild case of someone feeling nervous when they have to give a speech or try new things at work to a severe case where someone is suffering from constant panic attacks and constantly thinks they are dying or having a heart attack.
Risk Factors For Anxiety Disorders
Several risk factors can contribute to someone developing an anxiety disorder. Some of the most common factors are:
Genetics – A genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders is present in a much more significant percentage of people with these mental health disorders than expected.
Environmental – Stressful, traumatic events such as the death of a loved one or losing a job can push someone into developing an anxiety disorder if they do not have one previously.
Behavioral Inhibition – Children who are shy or are afraid of new situations may have a more challenging time coping with stressful situations, which can raise their chances of developing an anxiety disorder.
These factors can make it harder for individuals to feel confident in themselves and their abilities, which can cause them to withdraw from social situations. When it comes to anxiety disorders, a lot of work needs to be done on both the physical and mental levels to help someone overcome these disorders.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders can be categorized into several different types, each having its specific symptoms and triggers:
● Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
● Phobias
● Separation Anxiety
● Panic Disorder
Identifying the various types of anxiety disorders can help someone understand how they are suffering from them and how their symptoms affect their life.
How Common Are Anxiety Disorders?
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States alone. They affect 19.1 percent of the U.S adult population, according to National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports.
While anxiety disorders have been increasing in prevalence, anxiety disorders are still the most common mental health condition in adults.
What Causes Anxiety Disorders?
Several different causes or factors can play a role in causing an anxiety disorder. Some of the most common causes include:
Heredity – Certain people may be more probably to develop anxiety disorders than others, and genetics is thought to play a role in these disorders.
Chemical imbalance – When the chemicals in someone’s brain, like serotonin and dopamine, are misplaced, anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions can occur.
Environmental Factors – Stressful or traumatic events, such as getting into fights at school or work, failing a test, or some other upsetting event, can cause someone to develop an anxiety disorder.
To get to the root cause and put your mind at ease, speak to a professional healthcare provider immediately. At Hanei Health Solutions, we take a comprehensive approach to these disorders. We have the support to treat, diagnose and provide exceptional support for you or those you care about in Gaithersburg and Catonsville.
How Do Anxiety Disorders Affect Children?
When thinking about how anxiety disorders can affect children, the first thing that comes to mind is how they can cause anxious behavior in children. Anxiety disorders have been classified as one of the most common mental health issues among children and teens.
The fact that anxiety disorders are so prevalent in children is a cause for concern because it indicates that the risk of developing an anxiety disorder is high. Because they are so prevalent, children must be taught at a young age how to deal with anxiety and change the negative thought patterns that can lead to an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders can often be linked to childhood trauma, and it is common for adults with anxiety disorders to remember a significant stressful or traumatic event from their childhood.
Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders
Symptoms of anxiety disorders vary for each individual, depending on the kind of anxiety disorder they have. Some symptoms include:
● Feeling nervous or tense
● Breathing rapidly or hyperventilating
● Trembling
● Sweating
● Increased heartbeat
● Panicking
● Feeling weak
● Trouble sleeping
● Nausea
These common symptoms of anxiety disorders are similar to those of any anxiety disorder. When these symptoms become a part of someone’s everyday life, they can start to hinder their functionality and ability to enjoy their day-to-day activities.
Treatment For Anxiety Disorders
Regarding anxiety disorders, it is vital to seek professional treatment as soon as possible since the symptoms can worsen over time and cause more damage to an individual’s health.
Treatments for anxiety disorders commonly include:
Antidepressants – Medications such as antidepressants can help relieve anxiety disorders’ symptoms and prevent them from becoming more severe.
Anti-anxiety medications – These medications can help calm an individual’s anxiety and ease the symptoms of these disorders.
Beta-blockers – These medications are commonly prescribed to cardiac patients and help to control the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart rate.
If anxiety disorders are left untreated, they can lead to other mental health conditions, such as depression, and chronic stress that can cause physical ailments such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Visit one of our mental health centers in Gaithersburg and Catonsville, MD to get the support you deserve.
Types Of Psychotherapies To Treat Anxiety Disorders
Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that can help those suffering from anxiety disorders learn healthy coping skills.
There are several different types of psychotherapies that are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, including:
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): focuses on teaching you to identify behaviors and thought patterns that lead to anxiety and how to replace those unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones.
Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps to desensitize someone to a feared stimulus. For example, suppose someone is afraid of spiders. In that case, they may practice facing and confronting their fear to become comfortable with the stimulus.
These therapies can be done individually or in therapy groups and are highly effective for those who want to learn how to overcome their anxiety disorder.